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Non Profitable Organization

REG NO:-267 Of 2015
Non Profitable Organization
Pashu Priya Goshala Is A Non Profitable Organization It Is A House For Cattle's.
we are plan to start a cattle shed house called PASHU PRIYA GOSHALA to protect cows.
For that people encouragement & Supprot is required in the from of donations to start the project.
Main Objectives of Organization
Donations are not SMALL/BIG. We saw the hands of donation and your heartful BLESSINGS & SUPPORT.
1. To Protect the cows & Caring of aged cows, neglected cows, unprotected cows, Blid & Disabled cows
2. To campaign aginest the crulity to cow & Stop sending them to slaughter houses (BEEF MARKET).
3. To make cow protection is a people's movement.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Dear Valued Member Of The Community,
Hello Iam ashok chakravarthi, iam the president of pashupriyagoshala. Our group is for betterment on the living of an animals, on of the most precious & holy animal called "GOMATHA" {cow}. Yes our organization moto is to save & Protect cattles. Thus due to this we are writting a request letter to you to help us by giving some donation to us. we are going to plan for providing good shelter, medical fecilities, food, adoption of orphaned & sick cattle.
we accept donations in any form like direct money donations, needed furniture or cheques.Thus for the reason we will need funds. your money will not be misused. More over the accounts related to all the expense will also be displayed to you.
so we hope you consider our request & make our wish to come true.
we will enclosed our needed things to start our ORGANIZATION please check out once.
Donate For Shed Construction :- 1000 to 5,00,000/-
Donate For Workers Room :- 100 to 1,50,000/-
Krishna Bhagavan Statue :- 500 to 4,00,000/-
Water supply for cows:- 50 to 1,00,000/-
Dry grass for cows :- 50 to 50,000/-
For Bhagavatham Paintings :- 100 to 2,00,000/-
Even though people can also donate in other forms too donating like BRICKS, SAND, CEMENT, IRON, WETGRASS,WATER TANK.
People Can Realise That CONSTRUCTING A Cattle House Is Equal To Construct A TEMPLE
If u would like to join us in supporting this outstanding event to save our holy animal. please do not hesitate to callus at 8374400169 OR visit the website at
we hope you consider our request.
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Internet Online Transaction
State Bank Of India (SBI) (Anantapur)
Account No:- 35431535028
Account Type:- Current
IFSC Code:- SBIN0000806
Branch:- Anantapur Main Branch (Sai Nagar)
Andhra Pradesh ( India )
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