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Non Profitable Organization

REG NO:-267 Of 2015

‘‘Do Good. And Good Will Come To You’’
(Prayer To Mother Cow)
Namo devyai Maha devyai,Surabyai cha namo nama. Gavam Bheeja swaroopaya ,Namasthe Jagad Ambike.
Salutations to the mother of the world,Who lives as a seed in all cows,Salutations to that goddess,Who is a great goddess, And who is the wish yielding cow
Namo radha priyayai cha Padmamsaya namo nama, Nama Krishna priyayai cha Gavam mathre namo nama.
Salutations to the pet of Radha,Salutations to the essence of lotus,Salutations to the daring of Krishna,Salutations to the mother of all cows.
Kalpa vruksha swaroopayai ,Sarvesham sathatham pare, Ksheeradayai,dhanadayai,Budhidayai namo nama.
Salutationsto her who gives milk,Riches and intelligence,Who is the form of wish giving tree,And Who is greater than everything.
Shubhayai subhadarayai gopradhayai namo nama Yasodhayai kerthidhayai ,Dharmadhayai namo nama.
Salutationsto her who gives good,Who takes care of us,And who gives us cows.Salutations to her who blesses us with Dharma,And Who gives us fame and victory..
Stotra shravana mathrena, Dushta, hrushta jagatprasu, Mahendraya varam dhatwa,Go lokam saa yayaou puna.
As soon as she who destroys bad ones,Heard this prayer of the king of devas,She gave him all boons,And went to the abode of cows.
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