Non Profitable Organization

REG NO:-267 Of 2015
Letter Of Gomaatha (Cow) To You
Dear Sir,
I Am GOMATHA. My mother is kamadhenu. My brother is NANDISHWARUDU (Lord SHIVA’S transport, the king of KAILASA).
I Am another form of LAKSHMI. In me 14 places of universe, 33 crore GOD & GODESSES, 333 crore holy places are present.
From the old age to the MAHABHARATHA time each and everyone are worshiping the holy cow as their mother and a powerful goddesses, But now, in such a holy country India everyday about 60,000 of cows are being slaughtered & Killed very badly, Cruelly.
As time Passes, cinema posters, garbage, wastage & thrown vegetables have become food for us.
Bus stands, market yards, garbage places, Drainage places have become our present shelter.
Now we are in position of begging for a drop of water & little of food. Today i saw that they were bargaining for my meat. I am not angry on those people cause all these people in this universe are my kids! But i only fear that where our breed will get into extinction.
So, I kindly request you to help for up growth of cows and respect our Indian culture. I believe that this wish will be fulfilled and leaving my final breath.

Yours Faithfully